Comment by smcleod

Comment by smcleod 2 days ago

1 reply

Looks interesting, great to see it specifically calls out supporting LLM servers as first class citizens!

I see some of the code is Java, that strikes me as an interesting choice - is there a reason behind that or simply the language that the devs were already familiar with?

calebkaiser 2 days ago

The decision to go with Java for the backend was because we feel Java is a bit more battle tested than Python for production (dependency management, concurrency, compilation etc). Go was another strong contender, but we felt like it's a bit easier to contribute to a Java codebase for OSS contributors. At the end of the day, I'm sure we could have gone with several different options. Our cloud codebase has services in multiple languages (Python, Java, Go, TS), and Opik uses TypeScript for FE, Python for SDKs, and Java for backend.