Comment by quesera

Comment by quesera 3 days ago

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This triggers my "don't overwhelm your correspondent" watchdog.

I'm occasionally prone to self-indulgence in written correspondence.

... (There, I said it.)

I hope that my coworkers are blissfully unaware of this tendency. Sometimes I must write dense things which they must read, because a formal record is required and technology is complicated. But I hope they perceive me as a crisp and clear communicator who makes copious but appropriate use of sentence fragments in bullet point form (not too deeply-nested). With judicious and limited use of humor, and only of the sort that is adequately subtle to be overlooked by any who would not readily accept it.

I would especially hesitate to attempt anything but the most simplifed and direct version of my message in a request for help!

Although I guess when you're emailing a consumer product corp c-suite, you have a greater expectation of patience for customer communications, and of general literacy.

In truth, the exec's mail-tenders are likely relieved to receive anything not written in a hostile tone, and perhaps delighted by anything in complete sentences. All the more so, if they are able to help.

Thank you. May every minor wickedness find its appreciative audience.