Comment by pansa2

Comment by pansa2 2 days ago

2 replies

> two mature type checkers

I’ve never quite understood how this works. Surely a type system is absolutely fundamental to a language - how can you have multiple incompatible ones?

Do you need to choose a particular type checker for each project? Are you limited to only using third-party libraries that use the same type checker?

t43562 2 days ago

I think Python was successful because it started off without a type system and you can still choose not to use it. Duck typing is the big feature really.

It might float your boat to think about types but why would everyone have to want the same thing?

baq 2 days ago

Look at JavaScript and typescript - Python’s typing is maybe halfway to that gold standard but there were other typed languages based on js. Python is special in that it provides type hinting syntax which is not used by the interpreter, so writing types doesn’t require the Byzantine build systems of js.