Comment by mewpmewp2

Comment by mewpmewp2 3 days ago

2 replies

> Every situation is a snowflake.

Yeah, I mean, I think this describes it. Ultimately the video had many thoughts and layers, starting with a charismatic lead who is proud or pretending to be proud about completely meaningless, arbitrary achievements and metrics trying to motivate his team for rejecting access requests. Then it goes on to this individual who just can't handle it. Which is relatable. I don't think I could be able to perform a job like this at all. So I think this individual there was just so badly misplaced for handling this type of work - he really wanted out from there, but unfortunately it is not always so simple. In an ideal world he would've worked in another role.

JohnMakin 3 days ago

Yea, this video is definitely relatable to a lot of people in a lot of ways and that’s what I love about these. They hit hard. For me particularly, I have trouble selling to stubborn management teams to delay projects just a tiny bit to allow refactoring or adjustments to automate time wasting shit, and I abhor toil to the core of my being - so I will often get into situations like this guy and be like “fuck it I’m fixing it myself.”

I’ve had similar failures as in this video, lol. As a leader and as an IC. It hits really hard. If you’re ever in this situation you have to either leave, or exact whatever measures you have to fix it. Or face inevitable burnout. Those are the only choices or you will go mad.

  • mewpmewp2 3 days ago

    Some other interesting thoughts I had about the video:

    1. The team lead was somehow able to leave an impression of Matthew McConaughey from The Wolf of Wall Street so strongly, I don't know if that was intentional. The whole acting felt amazing actually in such a weird way...

    2. The Slack sound effects, I assume this has to be traumatizing to everyone watching this video, right.