Comment by tempest_

Comment by tempest_ 2 days ago

3 replies

Sentry has been nice.

I do not know what unholy monkey patching they do with that sentry_sdk.init call and I try not to think about it but for web apps it is fire and forget.

optiomal_isgood 2 days ago

> I do not know what unholy monkey patching they do

A year ago I had to patch its package for an internal use case. Their codebase is fairly well-written I thought (at least the JS SDK).

e.g. this is where they add the `fetch` breadcrumb

e.g. where the actual monkey patching happens

krashidov 2 days ago

hmm do you use Sentry for logging? We use sentry as well but only for errors. Also the trace ids don't match with the logging traces so I have to fix that too