Comment by a_cloudberry

Comment by a_cloudberry 3 days ago

3 replies

I created a throwaway account just for this.

I actually hired, and we later fired, a couple of 'engineers' from Unit 8200. They were technically quite weak, and when Oct. 7 happened, I wasn't surprised at all. If this was the cream of the crop, the defense community should seriously re-evaluate the efficacy of the IDF.

csomar 2 days ago

Wiz is the WeWork of cybersecurity. The Israeli tech sector is not that powerful but has lots of investments from the West (US mainly). My experience relates to yours. I think most people have high and unrealistic expectations of people coming from Israel but this usually comes out short.

deepfriedbits 2 days ago

This might be my ignorance showing, but how do you, as a hiring entity, even verify a candidate has experience in Unit 8200?

  • HelloNurse 2 days ago

    Or that these Unit 8200 alumni aren't dismissed "C-players", not good enough for them?