Comment by chucklenorris

Comment by chucklenorris 2 days ago

1 reply

Yes, this is exactly my impression too.. the code for opentelemetry-js is over engineered and adds a scary amount of dependency code. There are quite a bunch of libraries which I'm not sure what they do and in which scenarios I might need them. The documentation is not very helpful either. I look forward to someone implementing a opentelemetry-nano package with only the minimum stuff needed and allow me to choose extra support for my dependencies or an easy way of adding my own wrappers.

pimeys 2 days ago

Also badly documented. If you try to implement something non-standard with it, good luck. I once needed to write code where trace started in node an continued inside a node api native library. Getting these two traces to connect must be one of the most frustrating things I've worked on.

At least on the Rust side you have types to help you out, but it is still quite complex and the crates have bugs open for years, impossible to solve with the current architecture.