Comment by llm_nerd

Comment by llm_nerd 3 days ago

7 replies

The plan was always that DNA could be use for medical research, which is enormously valuable.

And given that 23andme currently has a market cap 1/20th DJT (Trump Media & Technology Group Corp) -- a firm that makes less revenue than a variety store yet has huge losses -- I wouldn't really say it's "worth so much".

elictronic 3 days ago

I wouldn’t compare any stock to DJT. MAGA voters value signaling, institutional investors playing games, foreign governments laundering money to the campaign, primary shareholder prepping for exit.

The companies actual revenue has zero impact and never will. Treat DJT like a NFT and it makes a ton of sense.

  • JumpCrisscross 3 days ago

    > wouldn’t compare any stock to DJT. MAGA voters value signaling, institutional investors playing games, foreign governments laundering money to the campaign, primary shareholder prepping for exit

    You’re right for the wrong reasons. (EDIT: I'm wrong for no reason.)

    Dow Jones is obsolete [1]. Its value is in its brand, i.e. other people look at it.

    The other factors you mention are noise. Relevant to a trader or market maker with infintessimal time horizons. But irrelevant to an investor thinking even in months. The American markets are simply too deep. The totality of dollars at work by MAGA voters, game-playing hedge funds and money launderers--through the stock market--is negligible. (Lots of political tea-leave reading funds have been attempted. Zero prevail.)


LarsDu88 3 days ago

I thought DJT is just a huge foreign influence campaign to get financial leverage over the "future US president". Can't compare the two.

JCharante 2 days ago

> The plan was always that DNA could be use for medical research, which is enormously valuable.

Couldn't one just pull a worldcoin and give people $5 for a cheek swab?

jajko 2 days ago

Ask not how it can be used, but rather how it will be misused, generating various profits for owners of the data down the line. So far targeted ad business takes the cake, I'd expect DNA profiling and corresponding credit/social score, insurance premiums and recruiting score coming eventually.

I can't believe how people can be naive over and over.