Comment by mensetmanusman

Comment by mensetmanusman 3 days ago

8 replies

“Nearly every baby born in the U.S. has blood drawn in the immediate hours after their birth, allowing the baby to be tested for a panel of potentially life-threatening inherited disorders. This is a vital public health program, enabling early treatment of newborns with genetic disorders; for them, it can be the difference between a healthy life and an early death.

But recent news suggests that police are seeking access to these newborn blood samples in criminal investigations. Such use of this trove of genetic material — to hunt for evidence that could implicate a child’s relative in a crime — endangers public trust in this vital health program and threatens all Americans’ right to genetic privacy.”

All of our new babies had heel stick blood drawn, won’t the government be the eventual competitor of 23 and me (since Americans don’t care too much about privacy).

CSMastermind 3 days ago

My most radical political opinion is that we need a right to privacy enshrined in a constitutional amendment.

And it needs to be robust enough to prevent the government from subpoenaing data collected by private companies.

  • typeofhuman 3 days ago

    The 4th Amendment should already do that.

    • sophacles 2 days ago

      The traditional favorite game of the supreme court is reducing the bounds of the 4th amendment. At this point its easier to list the things that the 4th protects than it is to list all the exceptions and "well actually not this..." situations the court has carved out.

    • [removed] 3 days ago
    • cryptonector 2 days ago

      Should, but doesn't as construed by the SCOTUS and the appeals courts below them. I think their reading of the 4th Amendment is in fact mostly right, especially as interpreted in the context of 1789. We could use an amendment to strengthen privacy, but it's hard to write such a thing considering that almost everything we do nowadays is between "somewhat public" and "public".

LarsDu88 3 days ago

Not necessarily. Just because the government is collecting everyone's DNA doesn't mean they're gonna create a slick web app for showing you your ancestry results.

That's like asking why the DMV isn't competing with Google for revenue...