Comment by vharuck

Comment by vharuck 3 days ago

5 replies

>citing American and other officials briefed on the operation.

How far should I be reading into the fact that people outside of Israel leaked this info so quickly? Does it mean the US was very unhappy with the attack? I doubt they were happy with not being given a heads up.

Cyberdog 2 days ago

The capacity to keep secrets, even at the state level, takes a level of mental maturity that few are capable of. So many are thrilled by the idea of knowing something few other people know to a degree that they paradoxically want to make it something everybody knows. Journalists take advantage of this and collect and share leaky sources amongst each other. The reason for the leaking is most likely just human nature.

That said, the existence of the state of Israel is such a contentious topic that the leakers may have been motivated by politics as well as the above, sure. But I doubt state-level agencies are condoning the leaking here.

  • patcon 2 days ago

    > So many are thrilled by the idea of knowing something few other people know to a degree that they paradoxically want to make it something everybody knows

    Some people (often due to trauma) have a very different relationship with secrets than you describe. Some people get immense satisfaction from holding secrets, and have no issue keeping it that way. Sometimes those people have other flaws or vices, as often plays out. In my understanding, managing such people is its own meta-game within these professions

    • Cyberdog 2 days ago

      I won't disagree with you about some people liking to keep secrets just as much as others like to spill them, but could you give an example of how trauma would cause someone to want to do the former?

CSMastermind 3 days ago

It probably just means that they weren't given any advanced warning and don't want any blame for it.

cryptonector 2 days ago

Could be damage control. There were rumors that it was the lithium ion batteries being made to explode. If those rumors were widely believed true, that would damage iPhone and Android and other brands.