Comment by Taniwha

Comment by Taniwha 3 days ago

6 replies

Israel's economy is already in the toilet due to them becoming an International pariah because of the ongoing genocide - this will just make it worse

hersko 2 days ago

Israel has the second highest GDP in the middle east[1].

  • neuroelectron 2 days ago

    How big is that compared to the amount of financial support they get?

    • bushbaba 2 days ago

      Actually quite large. Aid is in the single digit billion/year. GDP is 525 billion. So aid is roughly a percentage point or two. That’s it.

shmatt 2 days ago

In the toilet? They practically run the world tech industry. Practically every GPU, laptop, and phone have a chip or sensor designed in Israel. FAANG companies keep growing their offices. Startup exits are at an all time high even as the war goes on (NVidia recently bought 2 more Israeli startups IIRC)

And good luck finding a Fortune 1000 company that isn’t using Monday or Akeyless or Zscaler or jfrog and I can keep going

Oh and remember Ilya sutskevers new AI company SSI? In their initial announcement they talked about opening with 2 offices, SFBA and Tel Aviv . You really can’t succeed without Israeli talent

You can like or dislike the government, but Israeli techs income and importance constantly grows YoY