Comment by gerdesj

Comment by gerdesj 2 days ago

4 replies

"And that's assuming you're smart enough not to admit to the government that you're renouncing your US citizenship for tax purposes. If you make that mistake, you've made yourself permanently inadmissible to the United States under INA 212(a)(10)(E)."

Blimey, that's a bit harsh!

I wonder if Mr Adams and co, when throwing off the yoke of something, something, imperialism and that, and those jolly beastly Britons, would approve of INA 212(a)(10)(E)?

That is some legacy for those freedom fighters. cough terrorists (sorry - I'm a Brit, its only been 250 odd years!)

AStonesThrow 16 hours ago

Mr Adams recently wrote about the possibility of spending a year dead for tax purposes.

[removed] 2 days ago
konfusinomicon 2 days ago

hahaha, nothing beats a spoon of redcoat tears in a cup of salty boston tea