Comment by troad

Comment by troad 3 days ago

5 replies

> US/EU/Israel

A bit of a false bundle there.

The two groups are more like US+Europe+China on one hand and 'misc' on the other. Most people get by without depending on the technology from the 'misc' group at all.

This kind of incident will hurt the Israeli tech sector individually, not some imagined US/EU/Israel tech grouping.

ilbeeper 2 days ago

Intel and Nvidia are still pretty big in tech, despite the latest fall in shares price.

whatnotests2 3 days ago

Until you look at the cybersecurity industry players. Many big players are based in Tel Aviv

  • troad 3 days ago

    Many more aren't than are.

    Just because Slovakia is good at manufacturing cars doesn't mean that car manufacturing is dependent on Slovakia.

    • flyinglizard 2 days ago

      Many of those that aren't based in Tel Aviv probably have R&D offices in Tel Aviv, as do many of the tech behemoths which you use every day.

  • account42 2 days ago

    Cybersecurity industry? More like voluntary malware industry.