Comment by jrochkind1

Comment by jrochkind1 3 days ago

16 replies

Their strategy seems to consciously be showing everyone that they are craziest mf'ers who don't care about any consequences or collateral damage ever.

I agree with you that there some pretty serious global consequences that will come back to bite them too, but, then, they pretty intentionally don't care, that seems to be the whole deal.

I have heard Trump supporters actually suggest that a similar thing is a winning strategy for Trump too. Of course he seems to be an irrational unpredictable guy who doesn't care about the consequences in foreign policy, that's great for the USA, everyone will be scared to cross him because he's so unpredictable!

_DeadFred_ 3 days ago

This is probably the historical lowest civilian casualty count ever for taking out this large a number of adversaries in an urban environment.

  • Sawamara 2 days ago

    Boy you have some reading to do. Look up the program called 'Daddy's Home'.

yodsanklai 3 days ago

Same in Gaza, it seems they are willing to kill pretty much anybody (children, journalists, humanitarians, hostages) close to a potential target, regardless of whatever their allies may be thinking. Kind of a "godfather" strategy.

raxxorraxor 2 days ago

They did show that religious fundamentalism, which attacked their country and abducted their people, has to pay a very high price for their terrorism.

This terrorism will hurt innocents and the winning strategy would have been to just not attack Israel.

  • GordonS 2 days ago

    As much as Israel likes to spread that narrative, religious fundamentalism had nothing to do with October 7th. And the number of innocents murdered, the amount of destruction wrought, the land stolen by Israel in Gaza since then has completely eclipsed the relative few killed by Hamas. Or are Israeli lives worth more?

    • raxxorraxor 2 days ago

      Israel left Gaza before, I don't think it will happen again soon. Palestinians will also not work in Israel anymore in the foreseeable future at least.

      It is not a question about which lives are worth more. There are a lot of indications that Palestinian lives are worth more in Israel than in Gaza for that matter.

      To blame this attack on Israel is quite callous and I don't believe you that you care about any lives in that region. It just doesn't add up, but that is just my opinion.

      If it wasn't fundamentalism, what do you think motivated the attacks?

      • GordonS 2 days ago

        > If it wasn't fundamentalism, what do you think motivated the attacks?

        I don't mean to be snarky, but I'm finding it very difficult to take you seriously when you make preposterous comments like "Palestinian lives are worth more in Israel than in Gaza" and "Israel left Gaza before".

        Hamas is not a fundamentalist group, and indeed they have frequently called out Islamic extremist groups, such as ISIS, for their murderous behaviour. Probably best we don't discuss ISIS further in the context of Israel though...

        I also suspect you know very well the reasons for the October 7th attack, which Hamas have been open about[0]: in essence, it's a battle against:

          - Israel's blockade and control of the Gaza strip
          - Israel's occupation and colonialism of Palestinian lands
          - Israel's continued violence, murder and dehumanisation of Palestinian civilians
          - Continued Israeli aggression and land theft
          - Israel's apartheid regime
          - Israel's complete disregard for human rights, international law and the UN
          - Israel's inhumane treatment of thousands of Palestinian hostages, including institutionalised violence, torture, starvation, amputation, sexual assault and rape[1]
