Comment by kazinator

Comment by kazinator 3 days ago

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Keyboard repeat is only useful in ANSI terminal games on Unix, and games on some old 8 bit home computers that didn't have up and down events (Apple II+, ...).

A game written for an IBM PC and everything after that can know exactly which keys are being held down and when they are released by intercepting the "scan codes" (or abstract keyboard events in a GUI event loop).

All that is missing is synthesizer-like velocity and pressure info. :)

> will slow down typing significantly

Only for people who have to look at the screen. :)

The hunt-and-peck beginners who look at their fingers are not effect, and neither are those who can look at something else or close their eyes.

A serious concern affecting even those people is that using the release event could reorder things, causing mistakes. Like say if someone types the sequece wh (involving two hands) such that they release the w later than h.