Comment by m463

Comment by m463 2 days ago

2 replies

I seem to read more fiction now than I ever have, but much of it now slips through publishing (and editing)

So novels that start like that make me read uphill. Way better to plunge into the book.

The first few lines of books I recently liked...

"DEATH CAME FOR him through the trees."

"Gallegher played by ear, which would have been all right had he been a musician - but he was a scientist. A drunken and erratic one, but good."

“Like any good story, it began with a girl. It was supposed to end with a bullet."

"The level was at his top lip now. Even with his head pressed hard back against the stones of the cell wall his nose was only just above the surface. He wasn’t going to get his hands free in time; he was going to drown."

a little conflicted on this one:

"ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1988, the Jason Taverner Show ran thirty seconds short. A technician, watching through the plastic bubble of the control dome, froze the final credit on the video section, then pointed to Jason Taverner, who had started to leave the stage. The technician tapped his wrist, pointed to his mouth."

The books that made me read uphill in sentence 1 loosely correlate with the rest of the book.

Makes me think of the MrBeast pdf from yesterday wrt the first crucial seconds of a youtube video.