CamperBob2 2 days ago

Ever read A Clockwork Orange? Guessing that didn't go over well with you.

  • sideshowb 2 days ago

    Oh that was great. In no small part because Burgess's slang is rooted in real etymology so it's not entirely a foreign language so much as creative use of our own. Snowcrash is similar in this respect.

PhasmaFelis 3 days ago

My original example was going to be, a young person reading an adult book with a large vocabulary. I decided that might come off as rude, so I changed it, and maybe lost some impact.

Put more bluntly: having a reading disability does not obligate all authors to write to your reading level.

  • Suppafly 2 days ago

    >Put more bluntly: having a reading disability does not obligate all authors to write to your reading level.

    This, although it's not even always a disability related issue. Sometimes things in life aren't made for you, and you'll be happier understanding that. It's similar to complaining that an advanced mathematics textbook wasn't understandable given your baseline understanding of maths. It's not being written for you.