Comment by VirusNewbie

Comment by VirusNewbie 3 days ago

5 replies

no, he talks about the perception of branching. The universe isn't branching, a coherent thread we observe is.

It's the difference between tracing a path on a graph, and seeing a graph change.

OutOfHere 2 days ago

If branching is real, then the perception we have is of "not branching".

hollerith 2 days ago

But I don't percieve any branching. Do you?

  • VirusNewbie 2 days ago

    of course. I see the cat end up dead or alive, not in the superposition of both. Hence, I perceive a branch.

    • Nevermark 2 days ago

      Hmm. A branch can mean one of the branches, or it can mean the bifurcation that created branches.

      Not really responding directly to your comment.

      But I see the opportunity for a lot of disagreement based on slightly different term use.

    • hollerith 2 days ago

      I meant that to all appearances, I seem to live in a reality that does not ever split, and it is only a complex deductive argument made by Everett and his followers that makes me to suspect that reality does in fact split.

      Anyway, I doubt that further dialog between you and I will lead anywhere fruitful.