Comment by meiraleal

Comment by meiraleal 3 days ago

1 reply

Java is the new COBOL in many places, thanks God it is not part of the browser. Such a terrible development of language, terribly slow for anything desktop, terribly slow as DX. We would have 100x more people complaining if there weren't a script attached to that Java.

quantadev 3 days ago

Most people just can't objectively do the "Counterfactual Thinking" of what if only Java had ever existed and JavaScript never did.

Any developer who has loved JS all their lives would've also loved Java if that's what was available to them all their life. It's largely just what you're used to.

Running JS on the server side is just a mess, and has only been popular to do since NodeJS was invented. Imagine if it was always the SAME code on both client and server starting since 1995. That would've definitely been a better world by far.