Comment by dredmorbius

Comment by dredmorbius 3 days ago

6 replies

It's not clear whether you're asserting Israel does or doesn't care whether it kills civilians, though I think you're saying it doesn't in general try to accomplish this.

Israel's history is decidedly chequered in this regard, and there have been killings, including quite recently of demonstrators / protestors, and within recent years of journalists, by Israeli forces.

But there are also practices such as "roof knocking" in which an initial nonlethal warning is exploded above a building several minutes prior to a much more destructive strike:


Video of a roof-knock strike: <>

The explosion seen doesn't significantly damage the building, that occurs in a later strike, shown as the first set of explosions here:


(That clip follows with the initial roof-knock.)

And to be clear, much of Israel's subsequent air and artillery assault on the Gaza strip has been far less surgical, with vast numbers of structures destroyed.

By contrast, both Hamas and Hezbollah make extensive use of highly inaccurate missiles (totally unguided in the case of Hamas, guided though low-ish precision generally for Hezbollah) which are effectively aerial mines, striking randomly largely within civilian areas. This reflects both tactics and available means, so again the picture is complex. As I've written in an earlier comment on this thread, most hats are at best grey in these conflicts, rather than clearly white.

dagaci 2 days ago

Not to get into it here, but i believe the fancy non-lethal warnings is done for the TV audience. There are so many incidents of bombings civilian areas stretching back for decades. And the statistics for the IDF killings of children alone are off the scale.

  • dredmorbius 2 days ago


    • Sawamara 2 days ago

      You have misread the room if you think you can boast "impressive partial destruction" of buildings when the ENTIRETY of Gaza has just been made unlivable in front of your eyes.

Sawamara 2 days ago

They are not only not caring about minimizing harm, they are getting away with 11 months of wanton destruction on a daily basis. Just this month, they have dropped mk84 bombs on civilian tents. What are you babbling about?