Comment by troyvit

Comment by troyvit 3 days ago

1 reply

Wayyyy back in 1995 or '96 I was working for a non-profit called "Next Generation Magazine" and our goal was to have young people write content for web sites to get their names out there. Back then it was all local ISPs, so we went to our ISP and asked for and were stoked when we got it! We built out the site (Thanks to Building Killer Websites of course) and it looked awesome!

Only problem was that nobody in my family out of state could see it. It took awhile to realize realize that we never bought that domain. Our local ISP just added it to their DNS records, and since we all hooked into them we thought we were live across the 'net.

jonhohle 2 days ago

That’s incredible!

I remember one of the first times I used the Internet and opened my local radio station’s website from several states away. It was incredible to me that it worked and I also wondered why anyone across the country would care. The early internet was amazing.