Comment by lxgr

Comment by lxgr 3 days ago

3 replies

My home router even seems to inspect any UDP/53 traffic and redact any responses containing local/private A entries, so not even switching to a public resolver bypasses the protection.

I agree that it’s usually the right behavior.

cj 3 days ago

Interesting. I hadn’t considered it might be a security feature of his router!

  • lxgr 3 days ago

    In case you want to look into it further: My router actually allows adding exemptions to this policy on a per-hostname basis!

    Sometimes I wish it would allow wildcards, but honestly that's probably just another way for users to shoot themselves in the foot (e.g. by adding '*').

    • RulerOf 2 days ago

      > Sometimes I wish it would allow wildcards

      pfSense for example uses unbound, and while it doesn't have a switch for disabling rebind protection, it does allow injecting arbitrary unbound config, which can disable rebind protection for any depth of a DNS zone or IP space. E.g.:
