Comment by epolanski

Comment by epolanski 3 days ago

3 replies

I really despise some of these anarcho capitalist arguments.

A society that isn't lifted by redistributing wealth through taxes creates nothing but a more inequal and dangerous society for everyone.

We can all argue about inefficiencies, what is the right amount of spending and funding, but redistributing taxes by creating socially needed projects, from roads that you use, to ports through your shipments to policing streets so your daughter is safer when she goes out with friends. The list is so long.

People don't even realize how much wealth and prosperity has been created by redistributing wealth through taxes.

kvgr 2 days ago

People would be mich happier if the taxes were 50% less, the waste and corruption would be gone. And services were at similar level. Right now, US health care is redistributing money from poor people to rich.

ajsnigrutin 3 days ago

> A society that isn't lifted by redistributing wealth through taxes creates nothing but a more inequal and dangerous society for everyone.

I mean.... the government is taking tax money from the "poor" (so, normal workers, who cannot avoid paying taxes the way the article described, and whatever new way will be used after the changes), and giving them to a few friendly corporations who give back a percentage to politicians and normal peple usually get nothing.

  • epolanski 2 days ago

    This is again worth debating, but many comments here imply that the best amount of taxes is 0.

    I don't think they realize the kind of place they would end up living in.