Comment by kingkongjaffa

Comment by kingkongjaffa 3 days ago

2 replies

Very cool! I asked it to create an article on the topic of my thesis and it was very good, but it lacked nuance and second order thinking i.e. here's the thing, what are the consequences of it and potential mitigations. It was able to pull existing thinking on a topic but not really synthesise a novel insight.

Synthesis of Topic Outlines through Retrieval and Multi-perspective Question Asking.

From the paper it seems like this is only marginally better than the benchmark approach they used to compare against:

>Outline-driven RAG (oRAG), which is identical to RAG in outline creation, but

>further searches additional information with section titles to generate the article section by section

It seems like the key ingredients are:

- generating questions

- addressing the topic from multiple perspectives

- querying similar wikipedia articles (A high quality RAG source for facts)

- breaking the problem down by first writing an outline.

Which we can all do at home and swap out the wikipedia articles with our own data sets.

kingkongjaffa 3 days ago

I was able to mimic this in GPT with out the RAG component with this custom instruction prompt, it does indeed write decent content, better than other writing prompts I have seen.

PROMPT: create 3 diverse personas who would know about the user prompt generate 5 questions that each persona would ask or clarify use the questions to create a document outline, write the document with $your_role as the intended audience.

  • westurner 3 days ago

    PROMPT`: Then, after conducting background research, Generate testable and untestable hypotheses and also suggestions for further study given market challenges and relevant marginally advantageous new and proven technologies.