Comment by aerostable_slug

Comment by aerostable_slug 3 days ago

3 replies

Hamas coordinated strikes against Israeli c4i to hinder the IDF response to the invasion. This is trivially verifiable. Not all of Hamas are barely-educated fighters capable of little more than being pointed at innocents and told to kill.

loceng 3 days ago

Most sophisticated-best funded military in the world doesn't have automatic alert systems in place, redundancies, etc, eh?

You probably also don't believe that the Hannibal Directive was deployed on Oct. 7th as well, even though Israel is known to have done the same as early as 1986.

P.S. There are IDF intelligence agents who are whistleblowers that say that this had to have been allowed.

  • aerostable_slug 3 days ago

    I think the planners of the operation weren't your average terrorist: They outmatched the border barriers' design basis threat, they knew the default Israeli response and targeted critical c4i nodes to hinder it, and they had a bit of luck and a lot of audacity. Those added up to a black day for Israel.

    • loceng 3 days ago

      How much confirmation bias do you think you're leaning into, in order to not have to swallow the equally, if not more likely case, that the IDF was ordered or purposefully delayed in their response by higher ups?

      And about the Hannibal Directive you didn't respond? We can assume too then, since you like assumptions, that they were deployed to kill their own citizens as well - right?