Comment by VieEnCode

Comment by VieEnCode 3 days ago

3 replies

“Given that 100% tax compliance at the highest rates would not solve any high tax nation’s budget holes“

Can I ask where this claim originated from please?

yieldcrv 3 days ago

yeah absolutely, I look at the nation’s debt load - which it does pay interest on from tax revenues - and its increase of debt load alongside actual spending of debt sale proceeds, and compare that to how much it collects in taxes

I use that government’s official sources to do that math

Additionally, in some nations, there are underfunded liabilities, future necessary spending

And it all far eclipses what the nation makes in revenue from taxes, tariffs and productive industries it owns - if any

If there an aspect of accounting that I’m misunderstanding, by all means enlighten me

  • lucianbr 2 days ago

    > I use that government’s official sources to do that math

    You mean the source of the claim is you, you personally did the math for all "high tax nations" whatever those are, and you're presenting the claim without any of the math or explaining any qualifier like "high" from "high tax"?


    • yieldcrv 2 days ago

      I typically look at the US, France, Germany, UK