mewpmewp2 3 days ago

These are all great, and for me it's even weird to pick a favorite because somehow he's managed to put so much genius into all of those videos and in so many multifaceted ways, it's beyond me. What kind of job/career experience has he had to come up with all of that, so creatively and accurately?

I just don't get how he can have had all this experience and at the same time be able to come up with those creative videos while still holding those insights. Because there's so many clever little things implying he's seen a lot. And created those videos in parallel.

  • narism 2 days ago

    > What kind of job/career experience has he had to come up with all of that, so creatively and accurately?

    One of them has been at Amazon for a while.

  • throwaway48540 2 days ago

    Seems like an accurate set of experiences of a 10-20 years long career.

swyx 3 days ago

this signal the death of the passive aggressive "take this offline" for me

also favorite comment "This video captures the absolute weirdness of millennials and zoomers inheriting the bureaucratic systems created by baby boomers"

  • mk12 3 days ago

    I find it weird how so much generation discussion seems to skip gen x. I see references to boomer, millennial, and zoomer/gen z way way more often than gen x.

    • Apocryphon 2 days ago

      Gen X’s arc was going from Reality Bites/Wayne’s World slacker grunge culture into the stultifying white collar Office Space of the Matrix and then disappearing from the zeitgeist entirely after 9/11 made Fight Club’s ending sort of real.

    • pram 2 days ago

      As a Genuine Millennial (1986) who works around a lot of Gen X, I don't really perceive much of a difference between us tbh.

    • dpkirchner 2 days ago

      We are the "meh" generation -- I'm happy we're overlooked.