Comment by amarcheschi

Comment by amarcheschi 3 days ago

4 replies

That take feels kinda... Detached from the average person to me? I don't know how to take it, just like when you hear gates saying a banana cost 10$. Common Joe would benefit much more from taxes being actually paid than profits being accumulated by companies just so they can crush the competition more and earn more and (...)

thaumasiotes 3 days ago

> just like when you hear gates saying a banana cost 10$

When was that?

  • amarcheschi 3 days ago

    I've never seen a real video, it may as well be a common saying after being on the internet for a so long time. However, there is a video of gates trying to guess grocery prices on the internet, and he's not that bad. I think at this point it's just an internet meme that exist to reference billionaires being disconnected from reality

    • thaumasiotes 3 days ago

      > I've never seen a real video, it may as well be a common saying after being on the internet for a so long time.

      I mean, I can show you the video:

      But that has nothing to do with Bill Gates or any other person named Gates. (You might be aware that Bill Gates isn't a woman.) It's a joke on a comedy show. It's not something anyone has ever said.