Comment by fleabagmange

Comment by fleabagmange 3 days ago

11 replies

No it’s because an un-elected class of political invents new ways to launder our money over and over. How else does a politician with a small salary end u on millionaire over and over? They do not get book and consulting deals out of the goodness of the public hearts

Mountain_Skies 3 days ago

@knodi123, what is partisan about fleabagmange's statement? They don't mention any politician, political party, or even political ideology.

  • AnthonyMouse 2 days ago

    More to the point, it isn't the politicians of only one party who are getting rich this way.

CatWChainsaw 2 days ago

Is there a reason you don't seem to be considering that companies lobby politicians to allow this?

  • AnthonyMouse 2 days ago

    Of course they do. But "lower taxes on ordinary people by defunding corruption" is a very different proposal than "sustain funding for corruption by raising taxes".

    • CatWChainsaw 2 days ago

      Indeed. Once is a great idea for the vast majority who don't benefit. The other eventually leads to gradual collapse or violent revolutions.

    • fwip 2 days ago

      The amount of money given by companies to congresspeople to save on taxes is necessarily lower than the amount of money not paid in taxes by doing so. I would be surprised if the return was less than 10x.

      • AnthonyMouse 16 hours ago

        The amount of money given by companies to congresspeople to pass corrupt spending programs that enrich the companies is necessarily lower than the amount of money spent on those programs, too. Nobody expects that members of Congress would get all of the money. But they're not meant to be getting any of it, and the fact that they continue to implies that the corruption is ongoing.

9dev 3 days ago

Well, apart from medicine, irrigation, health, roads, cheese and education, baths and the Circus Maximus, what have the Romans ever done for us?

  • exabrial 2 days ago

    Great so that’s like .05% off the tax i paid. Whered the rest go

knodi123 3 days ago

It's fine to believe this. But you should be aware it's a partisan political opinion, and it's inflammatory to present it as an objective fact. Is this site really the place for partisan political opinions?

  • sensanaty 2 days ago

    How is it partisan? They mentioned no parties or politicians. What they said applies equally to all politicians regardless of leaning.