Comment by mystified5016

Comment by mystified5016 3 days ago

5 replies

Capitalism only works if someone gets hosed. And of course as we all know, the only alternative to capitalism is communism which is scary and evil! Don't you see how good you have it under the hose?

tirant 3 days ago

Given the nature of the human being, there’s no way to live in a free society without someone being hosed. And even then, capitalism has improved the life conditions of those hosed. Communism removes the freedom for everyone and it is effectively hosing everyone at the same time.

  • SiempreViernes 2 days ago

    That's not true, Soviet communism generated wealthy elites just like any other dictatorship, they just didn't have formal wealth.

    • apetrov 2 days ago

      It’s been very tightly intertwined with the position. When you retire, your wealth is gone, and sometimes retirement equals a purge. I wouldn’t call this being among the wealthy elite by any means. Today, you live in the center of Moscow, and tomorrow you’re an ‘enemy of the people’—good luck proving otherwise.

      • SiempreViernes 2 days ago

        > and sometimes retirement equals a purge

        That's just dictatorships man, you gotta keep playing the game well or you end up tortured to death in a salt mine.

    • tirant 2 days ago

      That is right. Communism only brings wealth to those high in their political hierarchy.