Comment by einszwei

Comment by einszwei 3 days ago

4 replies

Hezbollah didn't exist in 1970s. It was founded in 1982

Like the famous quote said "We make peace with our enemies, not our friends" (I can't recall the source) - what is lacking here is diplomacy.

To repeat - Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1980s was the catalyst for Hezbollah's rise. While they curbed PLO they created a more formidable adversary.

yoavm 3 days ago

First, I forgot an 's there - I meant 1970s. Second, unfortunately for Lebanon, Hezbollah wasn't the only terrorist organization growing in it [0]. "The proximate cause of the Israeli invasion was the Coastal Road massacre that took place near Tel Aviv on 11 March 1978"


  • einszwei 3 days ago

    Hezbollah was founded in 1982. With benefit of hindsight we can see that while Israel's Lebanon Invasion in 1980s was successful in curbing the PLO who perpetrated the massacre, they created a more formidable adversary in form of Hezbollah.

ineedasername 3 days ago

Hezbollah is somewhat of the successor organization of the most militant wings of groups like the PLO and Fatah, so I think it is relevant to speak of Hezbollah as in some sense existing in a nascent form prior to its founding