Comment by water-data-dude

Comment by water-data-dude 3 days ago

1 reply

I don’t think they’re saying you’d need to change the chemistry though, they’re saying they could have altered way it was packaged so that when it started burning there was nowhere for the gas to go.

Similar to how firecrackers work. If you take a firecracker apart and light the powder, you’ll get a flash and a lot of smoke, but no bang. The explosion comes from the pressure building up in an enclosure.

Disclaimer: not a chemist. Just a former unwisely curious kid

Beijinger 3 days ago

"If you take a firecracker apart and light the powder, you’ll get a flash and a lot of smoke, but no bang. The explosion comes from the pressure building up in an enclosure."

True. But if you open enough firecrackers and put the powder in a small plastic container you will not get a bang but a buff and a fireball the size of a car.

Disclaimer: I am a chemist and a former very unwisely curious kid