ofou 3 days ago

TexTube is not giving summaries but the actual transcripts. Plus, mine is way faster ;)

Compare the results:

TexTube: https://chatgpt.com/share/66e9f424-32c4-8009-b761-c8a8d6fbec... VoxScript: https://chatgpt.com/share/66e9f443-31d8-8009-b396-dba11b2f5b...

  • iorrus 3 days ago

    Hmm it didn’t work that way for me, first I asked it to summarise a video, then I simply posted the link to the video assuming it would give the transcript, in both cases it summarised the transcript.

    But if I start a new session and simply paste the link to the video it gives the transcript. I’m not sure an llm is the best solution to getting full transcripts.

    • ofou 3 days ago

      you should copy and paste a youtube url and that's it