Comment by rafaelturk

Comment by rafaelturk 3 days ago

7 replies

Meanwhile, we’re transitioning to on-premises infrastructure due to the increasing complexity of cloud services. Kubernetes and Docker are powerful platforms—we love them—but they were never meant to be cost-driven. Kubernetes is already incredibly efficient. However, surviving cloud costs and avoiding its traps requires granular cost control—far beyond just monitoring RAM, network, or CPU usage. It’s become overwhelming.

In a nutshell, any K8S deployment on-premises tends to be inherently optimized, saving a significant amount of time and resources. I have new servers and old servers in the same cluster, that is epic.

Modern FinOps often feels like a frustrating exercise: Should I choose 2x 2XXL instances or 4x 8XL instances? The conversation rarely focuses on optimizing software performance or database efficiency. Instead, the cloud has turned into a maze of cost centers, where it’s easy to get lost in ‘managing’ the cloud rather than building valuable products for end users.

liveoneggs 3 days ago

sorry optimizing sql queries isn't a priority this quarter, could you write a business justification for it so we can ask in the next sprint planning if it can be scored against our business needs?


p.s. we got some complaints about slowness on a few pages. can you schedule some time to sync up and take a look? we need to get this solved!

  • rafaelturk 3 days ago

    That’s exactly my point. Instead of optimizing software, FinOps nowadays focuses on optimizing costs. While they might seem similar, they couldn’t be more different. We spend 100% our time optimizing our software, databases, etc. if we need more capacity we just add a new server to the cluster. But this hard on the cloud, easy onprem.

    • joeblubaugh 3 days ago

      Which part is hard on the cloud? Optimization or adding capacity?

rafaelturk 3 days ago

IBM thrives on complexity—that’s the core of many of their products and business model. The fact that even they are getting into ‘cloud cost optimization’ should be a signal for everyone to rethink public cloud strategies.

  • crmd 3 days ago

    I’m not convinced that IBM’s ecosystem and business model is more complex than, say, market leader AWS.

  • nickpeterson 3 days ago

    I’d contend IBM thrives on selling hidden complexity to those who don’t know better.