Comment by garyrob

Comment by garyrob 3 days ago

6 replies

After upgrading to Sequoia, I could not browse with Safari or Mozilla. What fixed it for me was to go to the DNS settings for my Wi-Fi connection, and add Google's DNS servers ( and They replaced the autofilled DNS servers that were there.

greyface- 3 days ago

Were the autofilled DNS servers in RFC1918 private space (,, etc.)? I had issues after the upgrade with Google Chrome being unable to access hosts in these ranges, and fixed it by going to System Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Local Network and toggling Google Chrome off and on again.

  • garyrob 3 days ago

    No, they weren't local. I have no idea where they came from. I couldn't even delete them, but when I added the Google servers, they autofilled ones were automatically deleted.

JumpCrisscross 3 days ago

> could not browse with Safari or Mozilla

FYI, it looks like Firefox fixed this.

  • zakki 3 days ago

    So not macOS error?

    • JumpCrisscross 3 days ago

      > not macOS error?

      It worked before I upgraded to Sequoia. But I don't know enough to point fingers. Just mentioning that turning off the firewall long enough for Firefox to update fixes the problem.