Comment by shmatt

Comment by shmatt 3 days ago

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Unfortunately Netanyahu has gained and lost the prime minister position multiple times without wars. He's just somewhat popular. Between his first government in 1995 and today, people forget there were prime ministers Sharon, Olmert, Barak, Lapid, Bennet, just 18 months before 10/07 his opposition was in power. Did they not have any part of ignoring the preperations?

Even if he would have lost his position if 10/07 never happened, history has shown he always ends up back in leadership due to a million+ voters for his own party, and millions of votes for other religious and right wing parties.

People can rightfully hate them all they want, but he has the votes, and Israel doesn't have a limit on the number of times you can be prime minister

This is only half joking but the only "solution" to the Netanyahu problem is to replace the voters