Comment by quantadev

Comment by quantadev 3 days ago

11 replies

I wrote lots of Applets too. My parenthetical "(Applets)" in that post was misleading, sorry.

Java and Applets pre-existed JavaScript, and purely due to a 10 day timing constraint put on him by Netscape management (right after their deal with Sun Microsystems), Brendan Eich, wanting a Java-syntax, but not having enough time to do it right, cobbled together JavaScript instead.

BrendanEich 18 hours ago

I did not want Java-syntax, that was an order from management (Sun as well as Netscape; Bill Joy for Sun).

Java applets could not interact with HTML at all, just render within a rectangle. They were in the plugin prison, where Flash shanked them nicely due to better tooling and innovation from Macromedia (bought by Adobe).

wiseowise 3 days ago

> and purely due to a 10 day timing constraint put on him by Netscape management (right after their deal with Sun Microsystems), Brendan Eich, wanting a Java-syntax, but not having enough time to do it right, cobbled together JavaScript instead.

Stop spreading FUD. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Stuff that people hate wasn’t even part of the original demo.

  • quantadev 3 days ago

    I read that whole blog post and nothing in there disagrees with what I said.

    • wiseowise 3 days ago

      Did you?

      > Most of JavaScript's modern flaws are arguably not due to the short development time

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