Comment by theflyinghorse

Comment by theflyinghorse 3 days ago

2 replies

Picture working for a big, non-tech corporation. Your BU only does Java because it has always been thus and Jeff the SVP is a law grad and doesn't want anything to change because of perceived risk. GraalVM allows smart people who have to work within such limitations to still write (mostly) the software they want while still vaguely relating it to Java for decision makers.

nunobrito 2 days ago

Those "smart people" write blackboxes in esoteric languages that only the same person maintains.

Everyone else has to write wrappers to interact with that blackbox. God forbid someone daring to even change the code, because it basically doesn't even need/use junit tests. Eventually the smart person gets bored and moves to something else, that tool then gets rewritten to Java in two days by someone else.

End of story.