Comment by snuxoll

Comment by snuxoll 3 days ago

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> Games can probably get away by listening for the scan codes of the keys in the position commonly used by WASD, but it's a bit fragile, and they can't actually tell you what's printed on the keys they're listening to. The lack of consistenency is certainly annoying, though...

The operating system knows how to map scan codes to characters based on the keyboard mapping the user has selected.

    Win32: MapVirtualKeyExA / MapVirtualKeyW
    MacOS: CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString / UCKeyTranslate
    Linux: xkb_state_key_get_utf8
Hell, glfw nicely wraps all of these up with glfwGetKeyName.

Stop reading character codes directly, use the scan code and when displaying them map it using the system API so people see the right freaking binding. It's not rocket science,