Comment by owenpalmer

Comment by owenpalmer 3 days ago

5 replies

This approach really doesn't make sense to me. The model has to output the entire transcript token by token, instead of simply adding it to the context window...

A more interesting idea would be a browser extension that lets you open a chat window from within YouTube, letting you ask it questions about certain parts of the transcript with full context in the system prompt.

ofou 3 days ago

For sure, that's an interesting idea, but potentially very costly (for longer videos). A plus side of this strategy is that the Transcription gets clean up a lot and also the math notation fix up too. So, it's just a cleaner text, well formatted for people who like to read videos instead of mindlessly watching a video.

We're at Emergent Mind are working on providing bits of a technical transcript to a model and then asking follow up questions. You can check it out here if curious.

[removed] 3 days ago
hombre_fatal 3 days ago

Until I read other comments here, I assumed that's what they were doing since it bugged out on me and didn't regurgitate the transcript back to me yet still let me ask questions about it.