Comment by asplake

Comment by asplake 3 days ago

7 replies

> Update 2024-09-17, 7:10 p.m.

> After further investigation, we found that this bug has already existed at least since macOS 14.5 Sonoma (maybe even earlier, but we currently don’t have access to an older 14.x system for testing).

taspeotis 3 days ago

Did they test it ever worked with getaddrinfo? Or did they just see it worked once with CFNetwork and called it a day and then later publish a blog post saying it’s broken?

TheJoeMan 2 days ago

It's ridiculous us developers still have to jump through hoops to save around older versions of the OS for testing. There is 0 technical reason why Apple can't let us downgrade.

  • dishsoap 2 days ago

    Can someone fill me in on this? What hoops have to be jumped through? The last time I used macs, there were no issues downloading and installing older OS versions, but I have not used them recently.

  • rollcat 2 days ago


    You can do a fresh install of an older macOS version whenever you like (you need to enable that option in the rescue system tho).

    You can also run older macOS in a VM (the hypervisor framework keeps getting new features that make guest macOS more fully supported).

    Name an OS (ok maybe NixOS) that allows you to do clean downgrades out of the box. Also wonder what's gonna happen to your data in e.g. Postgres if you blindly downgrade.

  • luxuryballs 2 days ago

    yeah it feels like they decided bank accounts flush with cash were a better investment than legacy system support

mattl 3 days ago

Which is pretty wild too, considering they're selling the product and the new OS came out yesterday.