Comment by pjmlp

Comment by pjmlp 3 days ago

3 replies

I am willing to live with Python as the Lisp we deserve to have, on this AI wave, when it finally gets a proper JIT story we can rely on, regardless of the workload.

Currently it is a mix and match of an herculean engineering effort mostly ignored by the community (PyPy), DSLs for GPGPUs, bunch of C and C++ libraries that people keep referring to as "Python" when any language can have similar bindings, jython, IronPython, GraalPy,...

So it isn't for lack of trying, at least we finally have CPython folks more welcoming to performance improvements, and JITs.

fastball 2 days ago

The problem with PyPy is that it doesn't support the C-API, which is required for all those other high performance libraries.

So you gain the perf of a JIT, while losing out on most everything else high-performance in the Python ecosystem.

  • masklinn 2 days ago

    Pypy has cpyext which implements a subset of the C-API, however it comes with a long list of caveats, and is more of a backstop, they very much prefer cffi.