rdtsc 3 days ago

It's military budget is on the order of $20B which is quite decent for that size of a country. It's enough to build some realistic looking batteries and/or pagers combined with the technical base they have.

  • cynicalsecurity 3 days ago

    $20B is by far less than Google or Microsoft make a year in revenue. It's nothing compared to the amount of enemies surrounding Israel, a country that is literally desert with no natural resources.

    • kergonath 2 days ago

      Still more than enough to custom-build a bunch of batteries. I have no love for the Israeli regime, but this is ridiculous.

      • cynicalsecurity 2 days ago

        What did the "Israeli regime" do to you? Has your pager exploded too?

        On a serious note, Israelies are our allies. You don't have to love them, but they are standing on the forefront of fighting against the enemies of the West. If not them, you would be on their place.