Comment by skrrtww

Comment by skrrtww 3 days ago

8 replies

The title sort of implies this is intentional or privileged to Apple, while it rather seems more like just a bug.

I also wish people would post the FB numbers and the details of their report when they say they've reported things like this.

Reptur 3 days ago

Devil's advocate would say: They could do this and make it look like a bug that never gets fixed in order to avoid backlash. How it gets achieved is flexible if the goal is met.

  • kergonath 2 days ago

    Why would they be afraid of backlash on such an obscure, technical feature? They never were in the past and are expected to take controversial technical decisions by now. And by “now”, I mean in the last 30-odd years.

pkulak 3 days ago

Yeah, if it was intentional, it would probably be a hard-coded, encrypted URL. Some devices are starting to do that to get around ad blocking.

  • hiatus 3 days ago

    Good thing you can still see the domain over the network if you control the network.

    • lukevp 2 days ago

      You can’t control anything if they do DNS over HTTPS to a hardcoded IP they control and cert pin so you can’t MITM the connection, can you?

      • Wingy 2 days ago

        If the pinned cert is stored on some kind of ROM chip you could probably rewrite it to replace it with your own cert.

      • hiatus 2 days ago

        You can at the very least block traffic to the hardcoded IP.