csmpltn 3 days ago

Call it whatever you like, I don't care - but what do you do when the other side is out to wipe your country completely and has zero regard for any conventions of war?

Hezbollah has willingly waged a war on Israel 12 months ago. The Lebanese government is complicit in not managing to hold Hezbollah back, and so do the UN peacekeeping forces which have been unable to implement resolution 1701. There have been countless of attempts at diplomacy with Hezbollah and Lebanon during this time, but nothing worked. So what would you do in this case?

  • marcusverus 3 days ago

    If my best idea was setting off thousands of explosions in public places, I think maybe I'd keep brainstorming.

    • csmpltn 2 days ago

      Well, I'm asking again, what is your best idea then?

      Face it - you'd just sit there and get slaughtered, right? Contemplating your morals and war conventions until every last citizen of your country has been butchered? Waiting for some imaginary court and international peacekeeping forces to come and help you, only to die waiting?

      Those were thousands of targeted explosions, by the way. There are videos of bystanders, standing in close proximity to the explosions themselves and not getting hurt. Why are you being so flippant?

  • worik 3 days ago

    > but what do you do when the other side is out to wipe your country completely and has zero regard for any conventions of war?

    Genocide, clearly. Should not. But that is what is happening.

    "You ignore rules so I will too" is the logic of the playground, not civilised people.

jnmandal 3 days ago

Less targeted than even a car bomb would be. I can't think of a precedent really.