Comment by wkat4242

Comment by wkat4242 3 days ago

1 reply

The new Iridium pagers are two-way as far as I've heard. Only the old ones were one-way.

I think the service is finally being decommissioned due to the Iridium Next satellites not supporting it anymore. It has been supported for more than a decade without onboarding new customers though.

lxgr 3 days ago

> The new Iridium pagers are two-way as far as I've heard.

Apparently that's optional:

> Iridium Burst-enabled devices can be configured as receive-only so that no transmissions are made, a feature valued highly by some customer segments.


> I think the service is finally being decommissioned due to the Iridium Next satellites not supporting it anymore.

If that's the case, it would have been inoperable since 2017 – they deorbited the old satellites immediately after confirming deployment of the new ones.