Comment by pier25

Comment by pier25 3 days ago

4 replies

Back in the day we did plenty of "real world professional projects" with jQuery.

I don't see why you couldn't with Alpine.

Yeah at some point you may need a more sophisticated solution but plenty of projects don't need React. This very forum you're using is just a very simple vanilla js file.

ramesh31 3 days ago

>Back in the day we did plenty of "real world professional projects" with jQuery.

And they were terribly unperformant, bug ridden, messes of spaghetti that I wouldn't wish on anyone in the year 2024. Things evolved past that for a reason.

  • sgarland 3 days ago

    Bold of you to assume that modern web dev isn’t also a terribly unperformant, bug-ridden mess of spaghetti.

    • pier25 16 hours ago


      I've seen way more bloated React/Angular SPA apps than the typical PHP/jQuery Web 2.0 from back in the day.

fkyoureadthedoc 3 days ago

> Back in the day we did plenty of "real world professional projects" with jQuery.

I was there, it sucked