Comment by wut42

Comment by wut42 3 days ago

4 replies

> what pager numbers

This is where it gets confusing. We all remember the pagers running on cellular/2G networks but it seems that nowadays most pagers are HF devices and mostly broadcast receivers. Quite unclear which one are involved.

pragma_x 3 days ago

Good point. I'm kind of a dumb-dumb when it comes to present-day pager tech. I haven't even seen one in decades.

Let me rephrase the question then: if any measure was made to target just the pagers that were in the hands of Hezbollah, how was that accomplished?

  • wut42 3 days ago

    So far all I've seen is speculation that a specific shipment was targeted.

    I'm pretty sure they weren't cellular pagers as they don't seem to be the norm nowadays.

andrewshadura 3 days ago

> We all remember the pagers running on cellular/2G networks

Who does? I'm not aware of pagers running on the GSM network. Maybe they existed, but I don't think they were ever widespread.

  • wut42 3 days ago

    You're right. It existed and had a short span of life/fame in some countries but that is all. Most pagers were on their own protocol/frequency. the protocol seems to be mostly the same theses days: POCSAG

    Many commenters here also assumed like I did it was some cellular/SIM devices but it wasn't that much widespread.