rocqua 3 days ago

The point was that the US government regularly accepts civilian casualties in trageted strikes, so it would be hypocritical for the US government to complain now.

Notably, this doesn't apply to anyone who hasn't supported such strikes in the war against terror.

  • insane_dreamer 3 days ago

    > this doesn't apply to anyone who hasn't supported such strikes in the war against terror

    or to any US ally; the hypocrisy has been around for a long time already

    if 20 Mossad agents had been assassinated in Israel _in the same way_, we'd be hearing the story told in a whole different way

  • colordrops 3 days ago

    The US would call this terrorism if it occurred in the exact same fashion to itself or allies. The hypocrisy is blindingly clear. It's hypocrisy because they don't complain. Your logic is completely backward.