Comment by danielodievich

Comment by danielodievich 3 days ago

2 replies

There was a really dumb but also really entertaining Awkwafina/John Cena movie that I watched recently called Jackpot At one point in the middle of the movie one of the characters calls a 3 letter agency friend and asks them for a "Phone Strike on his location". There is a mob gathered outside of their room, and within 30 seconds everyone's phone blows up and the protagonists escape. The movie is R rated but obviously it's hollywood so instead of blown off fingers and holes in ribs that we see in Lebanon, its just someone's crotch is aflame, that's about it. But it was the first thing that jumped to me when I heard about it. Go hollywood!

piyh 3 days ago

Wait for the "Tesla strike" in San Fran

jazzyjackson 3 days ago

I love those two, thanks for the movie rec.

I have a working theory that real life 3 letter agency plots make it into Hollywood movies because intelligence agents and script writers hang out at the same bars. Likely a mix of intentionally planting tropes so that when someone claims the government is doing it they look like a conspiracy theorist who watched "The Rock" too many times, and retired folks having one too many whiskies and letting their secrets slip knowing that there's no way to prove it anyhow, and those make it into scripts just because they're good stories